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A Beginner’s Guide to Walking

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Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in the DevOps Pipeline
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In the last post in the cloud computing series for beginners, we deepen the issues surrounding cloud computing security and encryption. Continuous Integration CI is a software development practice where programmers integrate the code created by them several times a day from a shared repository. Automated testing is not a mandatory part of CI, but generally its use is implicit and highly recommended. The practice of continuous code integration for software development in an Agile context is important because it improves quality, reduces the risk of bugs and establishes an accelerated, reliable and sustainable development pace. It is also important to mention that continuous integration embraces the DevOps culture, based on a set of operational principles and practices that allow application development teams to perform code changes more frequently and reliably. There is a consensus in the industry regarding 4 indicators that really make a difference to analyze the maturity of the Digital Products development process:.

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A Beginner's Guide to WalkingPick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement

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